Friday, July 27, 2007

a noble experiment

I've never really understood the idea of a "blog." Even as part of the millennial generation, the concept of a blog as being a mode of cultural or political or personal communication has never quite made sense to me. It's just a funny idea. Someone writes their thoughts, for the entire world to digitally see, and then people can make comments. Is that an infringement on privacy? An intended intrusion? It's a funny concept. Even the name is funny. Blog. Blog.

But recently, I think I've come around. I've been reading a lot of blogs - mostly of friends, mostly travel realated - and they've sparked something in me. Does a public record make a moment more meaningful? Does it help give meaning to the person experiencing it? Maybe blogs are the solution to all of life's teensy, itty-bitty or momentous problems- our own form of self-therapy, self-aggrandizement, a self-directed GPS for life. A forum to vent, an opportunity to explore our relationships to the real/digital world, and a place to present a constructed self to John Q Public. Maybe, there's really something to them. Maybe not. But, only one way to find out. Hence, this noble experiment.

In my head, I'm primarily setting it up to chronicle, in some form, my DeLeT year - my first year teaching (or, at least, my first year in a real live classroom). I want to be able to look back on this tumultuous year, laugh a little, berate myself a little, weep a little, and then reflect upon all of those learning experiences. Of course, I can do this in a microsoft word document. But this way, I feel I'm prone to write better, make it more coherent, and provide potentially endless hours of guffaws for YOU: my faithful readers. So we'll see how this goes, and how much I actually talk about DeLeT and teaching, how much I use it as a self-aggrandizing soapbox, and how coherent it actually turns out.

So please be patient. I'm still learning how to type.

1 comment:

Simply Nick said...

hey, good luck on your blog...strong opening entry!