Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Appendectomy: One year later!

Yesterday, February 5th, was the one-year anniversary of my appendectomy. Yay! It's weird to think that it's been a year since then. Most of the time I forget it even happened. On New Years Eve, I asked the friends I was with what was the best thing for their 2007, and the worst. My best was graduating college, and I couldn't come up with a "worst." Not in the sense that It was an AMAZING year, but that I couldn't figure it out. About 12 hours later, I was like, "Oh yeah. Appendectomy! That was pretty shitty."

In other news, February 5th was also Super Duper Fat Tuesday. How about that? Go Obama. Stupid Clinton (who, it came out today, gave herself 5 million dollars. Come on!). Looking forward to Louisiana, Nebraska, and Washington!

In other, other news, I taught a kick-ass parasha lesson today. This week it was Terumah, when God first commands the Israelites to build the Mishkan (Tabernacle). I brought in 4 post-biblical commentaries and the kids read them in groups and gave their own opinions as to WHY God would ask Moses and the Israelites to build a large, elaborate dwelling for God's presence (when, God is in fact supposed to be everywhere). It was a really good 45 minutes.

In other, other, other news (I feel a little like Tevye): it's also pictures week this week. Today was the 5th and 6th grade class photo. 5th grade was a mess; it took over 20 minutes (and the photographer, at the insistence of 2-3 5th graders, has us shout "Yes We Can! Cheney Sucks!"). 6th grade did it in less than 10. Whooo!

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