Friday, August 10, 2007

gouache (say "go-wash")

I haven’t posted in a few days because there hasn’t been many Delet-related things to post. In fact, there hasn’t really been anything. I’m waiting for TIOH to complete a final draft of my contract so I can go in and sign it so then I can get pay checks, but they’re still not ready. Apparently I fit into such a unique, strange, and unheard of category they don’t know how to word my contract. Or some other such nonsense.

But, I am enjoying my second round of semi-retirement. I guess it’s not officially retirement or disemployment anymore, because I am under contract with Delet, and will soon start to receive both relatively large amounts of money and insurance. But until August 27th, I’m a free free free man.

Yesterday, I painted for the first time since before Graduation. It was lovely (I was told by a friend that I say “lovely” too much. I countered by responding that I really don’t say "lovely" very much at all, I only write it. A lot. Maybe too much. So here goes nothing:). Painting was very relaxing and pleasurable. My friend Stephanzia, who is very artistic, came over and drew/sketched while I painted with Gouache paints. It was like an art-a-thon, except no one was raising money.

Gouache was a new medium for me – it’s a water-based paint, but thicker and with bolder pigment than general watercolors – and after a few pages of trial and errors, I feel I’m getting the hang of it. Sort of. I have very little actual painting technique, so I’m thinking I should get a book. Or take a class. Or do both. And then sometimes mixing the colors was a challenge. Like I’d add too much red and then suddenly the blue I was trying to mix would be brown. Stupid genetics. But it’s so calming, and soothing, and it’s an outlet for my super busy and super stressed out life.

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